Radio began broadcasting in 1921 and became the country's national brand. The radio station is resound programs for children, discussed social and public questions of the country, promotes national traditions. Qazaq radiosy is one of the largest radio stations in Central Asia. Kazakh people who live abroad and miss their native land - listen to radio online.
According to the student of the American University in Dubai Anel Suranchiyeva, she listens to Qazaq radiosy broadcasts in order to stay aware of what is happening in her homeland while being in a foreign land. “I am interested in how my compatriots live, what they listen to, and what they discuss. Sometimes it is nostalgia and patriotism comes and you want to listen to domestic production, especially Kazakh singers such as Dimash Kudaibergen. I also learn Kazakh by listening to the radio. The content on this radio is interesting. The news is the freshest, the songs are the top, the hosts are the most sociable, ” Anel Suranchiyeva said.
Araisha MacDonald from Kazakhstan, who lives in the city of Siena (Italy), says that listening to Qazaq radiosy she feels a connection with her homeland. “I listen to events, laugh at jokes that only Kazakhs understand,” Araisha said.
Jabok student - Academy of Social Pedagogy and Theology in Prague (Czech Republic) Darya Shevchenko says that being away from home, she misses her homeland very much. “Our compatriots recommend to listen to Qazaq radiosy online. I love to listen to our kazakh music, to the sounds of kazakh melodies, I return to my homeland again, I see our mountains and vast steppes, after all, we have beautiful nature, ” she said.
Lyazzat Nogaibay