One 500 days remaining until the date of the Millennium Development Goals are marked as global poverty has been halved since 2000, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said. Taliban attacks after surviving for education advocate was the Pakistani young Malala Yousafzai, besides Speaking on Monday, Ban said: "Quietly yet cumulative Cynics predictions against the Millennium Development Goals [MDGs], unite and inspire transformation has helped." In 2000, eight goals agreed by world leaders, education, basic health and women's empowerment, poverty, hunger and disease and to expand the fight to protect the environment is a 15-year plan.
Ban "fires" of the UN also has to focus on young people worldwide, said it was a parallel "still fight against extreme poverty and inequality [] millions."
He added: "But I also hope there burns the flame - the global drive to promote the progress of the Millennium Development Goals through the world's poorest to improve their lives."
Ban highlighted four areas of action are urgently needed: health, education, energy and health investments; focusing on the poorest and most vulnerable countries; The UN's financial keeping promises; and governments, civil society and the private sector "between the deepening of cooperation."
The Secretary-General continued the fight against diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis, he added.
While I agree that "there are daunting challenges," Ban hailed as the Millennium Development Goals "history's most successful global anti-poverty thrust."